Monday, May 5, 2014

Windows Phone overcomes iOS in 24 countries

Image source: PocketGamer / Reproduction

A survey released by Kantar company shows that mobile operating system from Microsoft overcame the number of sales of iOS in at least 24 countries by year end 2013.

The most significant results were obtained in some European countries (especially in Eastern Europe ), as well as Latin America, Africa and Asia. In March 2013, there were more Windows Phone sold in just seven countries.

According to the head of research , the factors that led to this growth were the popularity of the Nokia Lumia 520 and the increased possibility of manufacturers install Windows Phone hardware in a little more modest.

Still the report released, Windows Phone is tied with Apple's system in Spain ( 4.3% ) , but still behind Germany ( 6.3% versus 13.8% of iOS ) and the UK ( 11.9% against 28.7% ) . In the United States, the WP has 4.8% of the market , against 40.8% of iGadgets.

As soon , Windows Phone will be fully integrated with Windows 9, which will bring in systems integration in the cloud, integration with Microsoft products, in addition to around the start menu.

Sources: TecmundoPocketGamer

Sunday, May 4, 2014

What is Windows 9?

Windows 9 Logo Concept - Logotipo Conceitual do Windows 9 - Como instalar o Windows 9?
Concept Windows logo 9 (mockup) created by the blog author

Windows 9 (rumored name) plans to be the next Microsoft operating system, Windows 8/8.1 succeeding. According to rumors, the next system aims to be fully integrated with the company's products (Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox), and the back of the start menu.

The next system versions will bring support for computers with touch-screen technology and traditional computers.

The beta version is expected to be initially available in maio/2014 and the official launch for 2015.

When the Beta version becomes available to the public, we will post a tutorial on how to install Windows 9. The meantime, you can check out some concepts created for their fans.